If you would like to invite me to speak at your event: thank you for thinking of me! If you’re a school or a library interested in a virtual or physical visit, please fill out Scholastic’s visit request form here. For other event requests (conventions, book festivals, podcast appearances, etc), please email letters.to.gale at gmail dot com.
If you’re here for a homework assignment: I truly appreciate that you’ve chosen me for your project, but will not always have the time to respond to your questions promptly. If you have questions for me, please read the FAQ first.
For project queries only, not fanmail, events, or other requests, please contact my agent:
Judy Hansen
Hansen Literary Agency
tel. 914-961-4131
I love getting mail (especially if there are drawings)! You can write to:
Gale Galligan
PO Box 1045
Pearl River, NY 10965
Whew, so that’s out of the way! If you have already read through the FAQ and would like to talk to me about anything else, you can reach me at letters.to.gale at gmail dot com. I won’t always have the time to reply to messages that would be better directed to my agent or other parties; thank you for understanding.
I especially love talking with aspiring and upcoming cartoonists! If you have questions about some specific part of the craft or business, would like a portfolio review, or could just use a little encouragement, I’d love to help if I can. Please feel free to reach out!
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